The journey of La Española Olive Oil
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Our Heritage

Spain is the largest olive oil producer in the world. Nearly 60% of the total world’s olive oil is produced in Spain. La Española has been producing and packing olive oil in the Andalusian region in the south of Spain since 1840. In recent years, the average annual olive oil production in Spain has been over 1.75 million tonnes.

We would like to share with you the journey of your olive oil from the sun drenched olive groves in Spain to your local table.

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Each bottle of La Española olive oil is produced from the olives grown on local farms in small villages in the southern provinces in Spain.

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The Andalusian region covers one third of southern Spain and produces approximately 75% of the total olive oil.

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Olive Trees

Olive trees have a life span of 300 to 600 years
and need to be carefully looked after to
produce the best quality olives

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We work together with the local Spanish farms and co-operatives to help farmers with crop management throughout the olive growing season.

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The main varieties of olives grown in Spain are picual, arbequina and hojiblanca.

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We work together with the local Spanish farms and co-operatives to help farmers with crop management throughout the olive growing season.

The main varieties of olives grown in Spain are picual, arbequina and hojiblanca.

The Harvest

The harvest takes place during the winter months
between October and February.

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The olives can either be picked by hand or collected by machinery. A machine vibrates the entire olive tree so that the olives fall effortlessly and are caught by nets to ensure they never touch the ground. This process doesn’t damage the olive tree which continues to grow and thrive year after year.

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Olives are harvested at the beginning of ‘veraison’ which is the period when the olives are at their best. This produces the highest quality extra virgin olive oil, preserving all its healthy attributes and highest quantity of natural antioxidants and polyphenols.

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The Mill

After the harvest, the olives are immediately transported
to the mill. This is usually a short journey which ensures
the olives preserve all their attributes

This whole process is commonly called ‘cold extraction’ as no heat, solvents or chemicals are used to extract the extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil always comes from this first cold pressing of the olives and has less than 0.89% acidity. This is the finest quality oil and it must meet very strict guidelines in order to be classified as extra virgin olive oil.

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The oil is transported and bottled in a packaging plant close to the mill.

They are then packed into fully recyclable cardboard boxes and stacked onto pallets ready for transportation to the UK. The bottles move along the production line where they are filled, sealed, capped and labelled.

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After a short journey, the oil arrives in a tanker bound at a packaging plant, where bottles are cleaned and prepared to be filled with olive oil.

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Filled – Sealed – Capped – Labelled
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Over to you