La Española is committed to a coherent Ethical Trading Strategy which provides total safety and security to our suppliers and our customers. This includes best in class leading vertical integration, traceability and sustainability for a robust future.

Our pledge
for an ethical and sustainable future

Commitment to our farmers
Our ethical trading strategy monitors, manages and mitigates risk at farm level by assessing key rights for workers including safety. Acesur is the first member from the olive oil sector to be a member of the Spanish Ethical Trade forum.
La Espanola is committed to sustainability and our processes are entirely dedicated to responsible, earth friendly sourcing, crafting, bottling and delivery.
Recent modernisation of packing lines have resulted in an energy efficiency saving of 50% for each bottle packed.

Harvesting, milling and locally packing our olive oil gives us an exclusive level of transparency. We are able to trace each and every bottle of extra virgin olive oil right back to the farm where the olives were first harvested. This is unique in our market and ensures that we only use 100% Spanish olives in our olive oil. Each bottle of La Espanola olive oil comes with the quality and origin you can trust.